Everyone comes into a New Year with a different perspective. Some may feel like they are crawling out of 2024 with new bumps and bruises, which can bring excitement or anxiety in what is to come. Others may feel refreshed and ready for the year ahead in 2025.
Biblically speaking five (5) is a number that represents grace – more specifically: God’s grace! God grace is given to us freely, unearned. God does not sit and wait for us to get ourselves together before He shares Himself with us. He gives Himself, His whole-self, freely right where we are at. God gives us His grace and His favor whether we deserve it or not. He gave us His Son Jesus, whether we deserved Him or not. God gives us His all. He is gracious and compassionate with us.
As Pastors Scott and Nicky prayed over the vision for 2025, a reoccurring theme for Pastor Nicky was daily dependence. One of our foundational “pivot point” choices this year has to be choosing to give ourselves over to the Lord every day, depending on Him for everything. God chooses every day to freely and graciously pour out His grace, mercy, and love on us and, as believers, we should choose every day to depend on Him for everything. Our next breath, the next thought, the next step, the next word that leaves our lips. EVERY move we make we make in Him. Jesus’ death on the cross for us was a pivotal point for all eternity. Our pivot point is to choose eternity with Jesus, but it doesn’t end there. It is to choose daily to depend on Him. He gave us His all and we can do the same.
Want to hear more from Pastor Scott on 2025’s Pivot Point vision?
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